Namba April 2017 - page 4

NAMBA Displays at the AMA Show
By Dennis Hoover
NAMBA District 19
Editors Note: The AMA show has been in existence since
before I began model boating in the 80’s. It was located in
Pasadena, California and since has moved to Ontario,
California. For many years, Cathie Galbraith, then NAMBA
Executive Secretary took charge organizing the display
booths. District 19 model boaters Dennis Hoover and Joe
Monohan took over the reigns making sure that NAMBA’s
presemce still continues to this day.
The 2017 Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) show held in
Ontario, California was a huge success. NAMBA had the largest
booth display on record with six booths featuring various powered
boats and submarines. The rain storms that passed through Southern
California in January did not impact attendance. The auditorium
was packed and the isles were full of radio control model
enthusiasts. The traffic in and out of the NAMBA booth is a
testament to Southern Californians interest in the model boating
Joe Monohan and Dennis Hoover monitored the booths from
Thursday through Sunday where they passed out applications and
provided information to those interested including seniors who do
not have computer access. This process will be vital to maintaining
membership in the coming years as many of the interested parties
have no way of accessing the information provided on NAMBA’s
website. Many seniors come to the show looking for parts,
materials, or to access general information. Dennis and Joe were
happy to provide access to the information needed to join NAMBA.
A special thanks goes out to the clubs that participated alongside
NAMBA. The Maritime Modelers from Cerritos California. The
Inland Nautical Society from Freemont Park in Riverside,
California. And special thanks to NAMBA President Russell Stark
and company for their efforts to promote NAMBA at the hobby
Joe Monohan, owner of 707 Specialties displayed the new K&B
lower ends for outboard tunnel boats and will be promoting tunnel
boat racing in the future as parts are now available.
If you would like to display a boat in the 2018 AMA show, spots
are available at the NAMBA booth free of charge. There are
trophies awarded along with some cash prizes. We are always
looking for new boats to display. The show is held annually in
January and everyone is welcome. Attention manufactures as this is
a free chance to display your products.
If you are interested, please contact President Russell Stark or
Secretary Al Waters.
April 2017
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