Classes that ran
back in 1988
along with their
The more things change, the more they stay the same…
A Mono
Leroy House
B Mono
Jimmy Brown
C Mono
Ralph Henry
X Mono
Greg Hill
A Hydro
Ralph Henry
B Hydro
Roy Edenfield
C Hydro
Ralph Henry
X Hydro
Wray Freitas
Sport 40-1
Ralph Henry
Sport 40-2
Lloyd Claborn
Scale Unlimited
Gene Bussell
A OB Hydro
Fred Younger
A OPC Tunnel
Leroy House
B OPC Tunnel
Richard Bradford
C OPC Tunnel
Kirk Schneider
A Deep Vee
Terry Story
B Deep Vee
Richard Bradford
C Deep Vee
Richard Bradford
X Deep Vee
Richard Bradford
Team Marathon
- Nitro
Ralph Henry
& Roy Edenfield
It’s been 28 years since the NaƟonals were last held in
Wichita. When you look back at things that have
changed in that Ɵme it’s interesƟng to also note those
things that stay the same...
Entrants at this year’s event come from 11
different states, compared to 12 previously.
Of the 77 entrants that made it to the 1988 event,
4 of those are joining us again this year: Al Hobbs,
Dave Bestpitch, James Osborne, and John Borden.
Over half the classes running this year are gasoline
powered, but back then all of the classes were
nitro powered - as gas and electric classes didn’t
start running at NaƟonals unƟl 5 years later. The
core nitro classes of A, B, C, X Mono and A, B, C, X
Hydro are sƟll running today.
Then & Now...