NAMBA March 2021 Web

It Wasn’t Me! By Alan Hobbs NAMBA President Over the past several years, con artists have been using the internet to target honest people. We get frequent telephone calls asking for money, asking for personal information, or asking us to support worthless causes. A few years ago one of these despicable people hacked my email and sent everyone I had ever contacted a request for money. Some of my family and friends did send prepaid cards to this criminal. It does amaze me how smart and uncaring a person must be to pull off one of these scams. Considering how many companies are actually trying to hire workers, these scam artists could easily find an honest way to make money. Because NAMBA has a website listing our officers and links to our District websites, criminals have actually used both the NAMBA website and District websites to target and email NAMBA members. If you have received a request from me, asking for money; it was not me. Do not send me any money based upon an email or text. And this should be considered the case if you have received an email request from any NAMBA Officers or Chairmen. We will never stop these criminal activities, but let’s not support them by sending them any money. PROPWASH March 2021 3 Greetings All From District 1 By Dennis Probst Jr. NAMBA District 1 Director I hope this NAMBA Propwash finds you well especially with all that has been going on in the past twelve months. I hope 2021 is a solid year of fun being able to be at the lake. With 2020 being a year of no points races due to COVID 19 here in District 1, we were not able to do much. However, some of us did get together for a few fun run days with a limited number of people. This was only able to happen in the state of Pennsyl- vania and limited to 25 people which was sad. It makes me think of how important this hobby is to me and how I enjoy hanging out with my boating buddies on Sunday’s. As some of us say, Sunday Funday! So here’s to a better year. I would like to thank all of the clubs in District 1 for all they do. Not only at their own race but helping out other clubs at their races in our district. On that note District 1 is strong and we will get through this together. God bless us all.