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April 2014
Aquaholics of Wyoming
By Gary Latimer
Aquaholics Model Boat Club
Editors Note: Gary Latimer, who resides in Wyoming (NAMBA District 20), has
worked hard the past few years in bringing back to life the Aquaholics Model Boat
Club. Just two years a go there were five active members in the club. Today there are
eighteen active model boaters and the club continues to grow. So what is the secret to
the clubs success in an area that can have inclement weather for much of the year?
Please read on.
In our third race of the 2014 Indoor
Pool Racing season, eleven racers
participated. Two were junior members
and two were female racers. We had
approximately sixteen boats running in
four classes. The classes were Thunder
Boats, Open Mono and Cat, the Mini
Class, and the Juniors. The rules used
were no boats longer than twenty two
inches, 380 brushed motors maximum,
and no LIPO batteries. Props can be
changed and sharpened as well as the
turn fins and rudders. We are allocated
two hours every other Sunday to hold our races. There are a few glitches to work out
but we are well on our way with the race series.
A few of the things that we discovered are the steps and hand rails in the pool are a
great place to launch our boats. We will be putting bumpers around the hand rails at
the next race. The sides of the pool extend high above the water making for great
bumpers as we have yet to launch a boat out of the pool.
The Aquaholics Model Boat Club would like to thank the Wyoming Athletic Club
of Casper, Wyoming for allowing us to use their pool. If you would like more
information on what we do, please contact me at I would be more
than happy to provide it for you.
NAMBA insurance also provides
you with a $1,000,000 personal accident
policy which covers injuries which you
may incur while running your boat or
while assisting someone else with their
boat. In the past, this has covered such
injuries as a cut hand, or torn ligaments
suffered when a boater slipped on the
mud in the launch area. This policy is
secondary insurance. That means that if
you have health insurance at work or
through a family member, NAMBA
insurance will expect your primary
policy to pay first. Then, once your
primary policy has paid what it covers,
NAMBA’s secondary policy goes into
effect. This would cover such things as
deductibles, amounts over the policy
limits, etc. If you do not have health
insurance of any kind, NAMBA’s policy
covers you the same as if it were a
primary policy. There are of course
deductibles on both of these coverages.
$500 on the liability coverage, and $100
on the personal accident coverage.
However, in the past, NAMBA has been
able to pick up the cost of these
deductibles, and we assume we will
continue to do so in the future as long as
funds permit.
As you can see, your NAMBA
insurance provides you with the best
protection available through any of the
model boating organizations. Hopefully,
you will never have to make use of this
coverage, but if you do, you can be
assured that you are covered. Continued
availability of this exceptional coverage
is of course to some degree up to you.
Make sure that you are aware of all of
the safety regulations, and use common
sense in your running. Preventative
medicine is always better than having to
resort to a cure. By avoiding needless
accidents, we can insure that the
coverage will be available when really
A race course is set up complete with buoys. For video action please go to our
Facebook page by searching for Aquaholocs Model Boat Club