Page 2 - April 2012

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In addition, NAMBA offers
additional site coverage to protect the
owner of the running site with the same
$2,000,000 as is afforded the individual
member. While this is not required for
the individual insurance to be in effect,
some cities and site owners require this
additional coverage. Registered clubs
may purchase this coverage at a cost of
$45.00 per year. However, please keep
in mind that NAMBA site insurance
provides insurance for, and names as an
additional insured, the site owner only
when the accident involves a NAMBA
member. We do not provide general
liability coverage for site owners for all
possible hazards which can occur at their
lake, but merely for those caused directly
or indirectly by an insured NAMBA
member. In addition, this coverage does
not cover the site owner if an uninsured
boater or a boater who has insurance
through another organization causes an
accident at the site.
And yes, NAMBA's coverage is in
effect any time you are running, not
merely at sanctioned events. This
includes practice running or
unsanctioned club or fun events. Of
course, coverage would probably not be
valid if you are blatantly breaking one of
the NAMBA safety regulations, such as
operating a boat while swimmers are in
the water, or consuming alcoholic
beverages or illegal drugs while running
a boat. In addition, NAMBA insurance
does not cover you when you are
participating in a sanctioned event of any
other organization which has its own
insurance coverage, whether primary or
secondary. So make sure that you are
confident that the coverage provided by
the sanctioning organization is sufficient
to protect you during that event, as you
will not be able to rely on your NAMBA
insurance if it is not.
April 2012
Now let’s move on to 2012. For those of you who enjoy reading the
, you
may notice that we start out the year with Cathie Galbraith’s article on the explanation
of your insurance as a model boater or pond site where you host races. Although we
continue to gradually increase our overall membership numbers year to year, we do
lose some, gain some, and pick up some that have not renewed in a few years and
decide to make a comeback to racing. And, let me not forget that there are quite a few
that do not race but have NAMBA insurance because it is very good model boating
insurance. You will also notice that in every issue of the
there is a safety
article contributed by Lohring Miller, who is our NAMBA Safety Chairmen. There is
a very good reason why you see these articles. People forget, don’t remember, are not
sure, need to be reminded, or come and go. They also show the insurance company
that we are making a concerted effort to educate the members just as much as the
members make the same concerted effort at their local pond, at races, and with other
boaters. It’s neither all on NAMBA nor all on the boaters. If we all continue to work
together on this, we will have great insurance at a great rate for years to come.
Let’s talk NAMBA Nationals. The Fast Electric NAMBA Nationals will be held at
Legg Lake in Southern California hosted by SoCal Fast Electrics and the Scottsdale
Model Boaters. Save June 19th-23rd on your race calendar and contact David
Newland, the NAMBA FE Chairman for more information.
The NAMBA Nationals for Nitro and Gas will be in Rollinsford, New Hampshire
July 14th through the 21st, 2012. Rags Grenier and Butch Thibodeau are your Contest
Directors. An entry form has been mailed out to everyone who was a member as of
March 23
. If you have not received one they are also available on the NAMBA web
site. Check out the week day BBQ. We are talking a Lobster-Clambake. Now I
wonder if the donut shops have maple bars since the last Nationals I attended there.
Sorry! Back to Nationals information. So don’t wait until the last minute to think
about attending either if not both of the NAMBA Nationals. They will be upon you
before you know it. See you there.
That is all for the moment. Keep those cards and e-mails coming. Have a fun and
safe racing season. This will be my year for seeing a lot of new faces and old friends
that I have not seen in some time at the races.
Coverage Explained
By Cathie Galbraith
NAMBA Executive Secretary
As we begin a new year of model boating, I thought it might be a good time to
provide a reminder of just what our insurance coverage is all about. NAMBA
membership provides you with liability and property damage coverage in the
unfortunate event that your boat should be involved in an accident in which a spectator
is injured or damage is done to someone else’s property. This coverage is $1,000,000
per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. Of course, this does not cover damage done
to another model boat in the normal course of running. This coverage is primary
coverage, so you do not have to look first to your homeowner's policy for protection as
is the case with some of the other boating organizations. In addition, it is individual
insurance rather than site insurance, which protects you no matter where you are
running, not just at pre-approved lakes and
ponds, as with some of the other
organizations. Of course, keep in mind that
you are also expected to be complying with
all local and state laws and restrictions. If
you are running a boat on a lake on which
you are trespassing you may not be
covered. Several years ago the NAMBA
Board of Directors authorized the addition
of a $1,000,000 umbrella policy to add to
the above mentioned coverages.