NAMBA Propwash Web October

The Secretary Speaks By Al Waters NAMBA Secretary Right now I am finishing up on the Propwash newsletter so that I can get prepared for the 50th Anniversary NAMBA Nationals in Seaside, CA. This is one that I am really looking forward to as the host hotel that I will be staying at is right on the beach with a short 10 minute walk to the race site. I can see plenty of bench racing at the days end over a frosty beverage, smores, and a bonfire on the beach. I look forward to the Welcome Party at Monterey Touring Vehicles just down the street. Something no nationals has entertained. Then there is the traditional Paddleboat Races BBQ and the Awards Banquet concluding the week. I admire that they have opted for a dark day on Wednesday. Everyone gets a chance to see the sights and the committee people doing the hard work can take a break and reload. I know that my day will be spent at the Monterey Aquarium as it is one of the most amazing aquariums in existence with plenty of places to shop and eat seafood at the wharf. Central Coast Model Boaters has done an amazing job promoting the event with their web site and social media presence. At the deadline (excluding mail in entries) they were just shy of 600 boats. That is really incredible considering the economy has not been the best in the world and half of their drawing power for model boaters is the Pacific Ocean. Hats off to them! NAMBA is always working on projects to promote membership growth and make things just generally easier and more efficient for District Directors and Contest Directors. It takes time, testing, development and the commitment by model boaters to make it happen. And it certainly does not happen in a day. Reading though this newsletter, you will notice who those people are. They are not looking for awards or accolades. They just want to make things a little more easier or efficient for the model boater. I admire these people and their commitment to the hobby. Here is what we have that you wont read about at this time. NAMBA District Directors, President Vice President, and Secretary have gone @ with their e-mail addresses. No e-mail forwarding as we have our own e-mail based client. The contact sheet did not make this newsletter but it currently is on the NAMBA web site. Besides members being notified of a birthday wish from NAMBA and a Holiday Greeting we now have the ability to notify District Directors when they get a new NAMBA member. The NAMBA office provides a new member with a rule book, most recent newsletter, NAMBA sticker and welcome letter. The appropriate district director is also notified when a new member processes a membership. They are able to contact the new member, welcome them and provide them with information on local clubs, insured ponds, district web site, and see what their model boating interests are. This has worked really well. Just ask Kelly Canto in District 3 as she keeps me up to date with very nice thank you notes. Membership has just passed last years total. Not by much however more is always better than less. NAMBA is sitting at 1570 members. Any district that did not hit their 2021 total is just a handful shy. However hats go off to District 13 Director Rey Medina who increased their membership from 49 to 69 members. That is a 41% increase. The Caribbean Race Series, NAMBA Spanish brochures, involvement with the community has all paid off. They are now looking in to a kids program for racing model boats. Yes! Kids R Boaters Too! By David Wale NAMBA District 7 Director District 7 is buzzing with new members, clubs, facilities and new racing classes. Overall, we’re having a great year in our district. For example like any other district, we had our shares of ups and downs adapting and having to find new race sites on short notice. We are chuffed that clubs did an amazing job managing to put on great races considering the obstacles layed before them. Although our primary focus is promoting the hobby, we are also encouraging the family aspect of our racing events. As a result, our hobby being a two-part hobby; one being the actual building of the boat, and secondly, the actual racing of the boat. We are fortunate to have both manufacturers, merchants and boat builders within our district which makes for a supportive and knowledgeable camaraderie. Boaters who have traveled to our events have become a part of the family. Unfortunately, traveling to NAMBA events has taken its toll this year with the current state of the economy. Gasoline prices are at the highest that we’ve seen and hotel costs are rocketing up. However, some have continued to travel, which is no mean feat considering District 7 is 390,266 square miles or Albuquerque, NM to Houston, TX is a 13 hour drive. We have lost some long time members due to pond closures and ill health but have gained some new members and we are thankful for them coming to join us. We have maintained a steady core of racers this year and have a well contested points series. With two races to go on our calendar, the vast majority of classes are still up for grabs. Our solid core of racers has remained strong. So far this year we have held six district races with some competitive racing, and yes, a few bumps and bangs along the way. Our racers have traveled and attended the IMPBA Internats held by the Voodoo club in Louisiana, and they really kicked some butt so congratulations to all of the District 7 winners and teams that attended. I must give a mention to the Hot MBC (Heart of Texas) of Houston. A growing club and being an all-electric club mainly due to pond restrictions a thriving club. We appreciated all of the entries at the recent Houston district race. I know all had lots of fun at a new facility. We would also like to welcome several new members to our district that have moved into Texas mainly from California so welcome to y’all. So, as we say in Texas Git-er-Done and happy boating. PROPWASH October 2022 7