NAMBA Propwash Web October

2022 Spring Proposal Results In the spring of 2022, the NAMBA membership voted on three rule proposals. 1. Allowing thread repairs to be added and clarification of induction systems allowed in the Gas category. 2. Minor addition of items that are being done today that do not provide any performance advantage for Gas engines. 3. Updating the Gas rules to reflect the common practice of using white gas that doesn’t provide any advantage except the reduction of smell/fumes during transportation of equipment to events. All three proposals passed with the following results. Approximately 1300 members were eligible to vote at that time. 1. Yes Votes 339 and No Votes 22 2. Yes Votes 330 and No Votes 31 3. Yes Votes 323 and No Votes 40 Rule book updates will be mailed to the membership with the first Propwash of 2023 which will be in April. Caribbean Championships By Rey Medina NAMBA District 13 Director Editors Note: They say a picture is worth 1000 words. District 13 has four registered clubs in the Caribbean who conduct a series of championship races raising money for community awareness. Let the pictures tell the story. PROPWASH October 2022 5 NAMBA District 13 race sticker This event was hosted in conjunction with a local festival raising money for cancer awareness. Boaters were able to work indoors on their boats The mayor of the city was the main sponsor of the event (Continued on page 6)