NAMBA Propwash Web October

PROPWASH October 2022 15 The first problem is disassembly. Three screws release the back cover, but you need to unscrew the front cover. For that I got some scrap aluminum that once was a motor mount and added two screws. That fit into the vent holes and allowed unscrewing the front plate. The stator glue may make this difficult. Heating the housing can help. When you pull out the rotor, don’t lose the shims. AquaCraft 2030 motor Front cover on removal tool Disassembled motor The next step is removing the stator. It’s glued in with some mystery glue that fortunately can be softened with a heat gun on the outside of the motor housing. I made a tool to hold the housing and another to press out the stator. Don makes a much nicer set of these tools that are pictured below and can be purchased from him. Don Huff rewinding tool Stator removal tools (Continued on page 16)