NAMBA Propwash Web October

concerns. The Traveler’s Liability coverage and the AIG Accident policy are in place for all current NAMBA members, including Single Event Members. The coverage does not apply for an accident you have running a model boat in your backyard swimming pool. But, when you are at a NAMBA event, you have the best insurance coverage provided by any model boating organization. Your membership card is proof that you are a NAMBA member and that the insurance coverage is there to protect you. Make sure to have your membership card with you at all NAMBA events, as the CD may require you to produce that card to prove you are a member. I hope you never have a serious accident. Safe NAMBA boating. PROPWASH October 2022 11 News From District 19 By Richard Romero NAMBA District 19 Director Heading into our last race of 2022 at Sunset Park in Las Vegas September 10th & 11th we have five classes that have already been decided. I would like to congratulate our 2022 District 19 Points Champions: Rylee Hilton: Sportsman Mono Champion 1st time champion Shane Forrest: G-1 Crackerbox Champion Roger Pane: GX-2 Mono Champion Ron Fassl Jr.: GX-2 Catamaran Champion Our Las Vegas race should be interesting as we have five classes where 1st and 2nd place are separated by less than 300 points. We had eight district points races this year and I would like to thank all those that not only hosted the races, but those that traveled to them. This year’s boat counts were down through- out the year, but the racing was still highly competitive, and fun was had by all that attended. It takes a lot of time, energy, and money to follow our race circuit. It was great to see some old racers back with family and new racers alongside them. Shane and Cole Forrest came back to racing full time this year and it paid off. Shane has already wrapped up a champi- onship and is leading another class right now. Cole is currently second in a class heading into our last race of the year. Ron Fassl Jr. and Jeff Polan joined forces and attended all of the races this year. Ron has already won a championship and is currently leading two classes and is second in three classes. Jeff is leading a class and is currently second in another. Dave, Rylee, and Peyton Hilton are back to boat racing after five plus years away as they raced RC cars. The Hilton’s made their return known and will be a force to be reckoned with in 2023. Currently Dave and Rylee are leading two classes apiece. Rylee has already clinched one of the two making this his first championship. Between them, they are in third place in three classes and are still within striking distance. What made 2022 special for me was to see how many fathers and grandfathers shared our hobby with their kids and grandkids. This is truly what NAMBA is all about. Jeff Poulan and Ron Fassl Jr. have committed themselves to following the entire circuit and it is paying off Carson Slater with grandpa Russ Stark. Rylee Hilton with dad Dave Hilton. Steve Lopez with grandson Noah Ramirez Shane Forrest with son Cole Forrest (Continued on page 12)