April Propwash 2018 web.pub
. Proposal 4 - ModificaƟon and addiƟon of rules for Electric 1/8 Scale Unlimited Hydroplane in SecƟon 28 - Electric. Reasoning: We have been running these in District 8 for a while now and would now like to make them official on a naƟonal level. Current rule: E. SPECIALITY CLASSES 6. ELECTRIC 1/8 SCALE UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE b. Motor SpecificaƟons i) Power parameters for this class shall comply with class "T" specificaƟons, as noted in rule D.1.a in this secƟon Note: “T” specs = Any amount and/or size of motors / 18.50 ‐ 42.30 Volts / 12000 MaH max Proposed rule: E. SPECIALITY CLASSES 6. ELECTRIC 1/8 SCALE UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE b. Power SpecificaƟons i) Approved Motors (a) NEU 1527 1.5Y 850KV (b) HET Typhoon 700-98 840KV (c) Turnigy SK3-3994 850KV ii) Twin motors are not allowed. c. Drivetrain SpecificaƟons i) Either a cable or hard shaŌs may be used, no gear boxes allowed. ii) Any propeller may be used up to maximum of 57mm in diameter. d. Electronic Speed Controls (ESC) i) Any ESC may be used as long as it is rated to a minimum 130 Amps and rated to handle a minimum of 8S baƩery configuraƟon. ii) AnƟ-spark resistors are advised on all speed controllers. e. BaƩeries i) A maximum capacity of 8S Lithium Polymer (LiPo) baƩeries are allowed. The maximum mAh capacity of the baƩery pack(s) will not exceed 6000 mAh. Only LiPo baƩeries with a cell raƟng of 4.20 or less volts per cell are allowed. ii) LiHV baƩeries with per cell capaciƟes to 4.35 volts or higher are not allowed. iii) Manufacturer’s minimum discharge of 30C constant but no higher than 65C constant is allowed. You should have already received secure e-mail notification to vote on the proposals in your NAMBA Membership Portal. If you do not have Internet or e-mail, you may use this form to vote. Please return this portion to the NAMBA office postmarked no later than Saturday May 5, 2018. You must be a current NAMBA member for your vote to be counted. Voting by telephone will not be accepted. Proposal #1: Proposal #2: Proposal #3: Proposal #4: YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NAMBA International Inc. 162 Avenida Chapala San Marcos, CA 92069 Print Sign NAMBA # Name: _______________________________ ________________________________ __________ Name: _______________________________ ________________________________ __________ Name: _______________________________ ________________________________ __________ Name: _______________________________ ________________________________ __________
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