2021 NAMBA Nats Race Program
pitting for me and when 1 had tears in my eyes after I won, he Informed me that there was no crying allowed in model boating. Taking over as Executive Secretary from Mom Coad in 1988 took my involvement in NAMBA In a new and different direction. The twenty-five years of serving in this capacity gave me the opportunity to meet and work with lots of great people. I especially enjoyed seeing the number of kids and women boaters that have participated in this great hobby over the years. I have watched young boaters grow up to be responsible adult members of our organization. I remember watching a very young, Robert Holland racing with his dad in San Diego. Now, many years later, Robert has served as District Director and President, and races now with his kids and grandson in Colorado. Chris Grim was not even born when I first met Kim and Mark. Now he is an adult setting NAMBA records at time trials. The list of these instances is endless, which all goes to prove what a great family organization NAMBA is for members of all ages. The number of lifelong friends that I have made through NAMBA over the years is truly priceless to me. I am excited about the future of NAMBA as it continues to add members from all parts or the county and all walks of life. I first got involved in model boating while living north of Chicago in the 70's. After numerous days of sitting around at the pond doing nothing, I told my husband at the time that if he wanted me out there with him I wanted a boat of my own. Well, he complied. I started out with a wooden Dumus Hot Shot tunnel with a K&B 3.5 outboard, and my model boating career was off and running. Shortly thereafter, the Navy decided that we needed to move to San Diego. We got involved with the local club, the Argonauts. While attending the 1979 Nationals in Seaside, California, I saw Dorothy Prather running the Prather Products newly designed A Mono, and decided that I had to have one. That would turn out to be the first of the many Mono's that I would run over the years. Perhaps one of the aspects that I most appreciate about NAMBA and model boating is the family friendly atmosphere.! became a single mom .shortly after moving to San Diego and I discovered that model boating was something that my daughter Tracy and I could do together. She started running boats, participating in the Kids R Boaters Too class, at the 1982 Nationals In Los Angeles. She went on to be a very competitive racer and ended up meeting her future husband, Jim Osborne through NAMBA racing. The Kids class continues to this day and has introduced many young boaters to our hobby. While I have certainly never been a perennial winner, I have won several district and national classes over the years. These were always very exciting and rewarding for me. However; there were a couple of awards that had a very special meaning to me. I still have a little trophy that I was awarded for being the first woman to run in the scale Thunderboat series in District 19. And winning first place one year at the Bill Muncey Memorial scale race which was held in conjunction with the full sized Thunderboat race was a feeling I will never forget. I will also always remember winning B Hydro at the 1990 Nationals in Springfield, Virginia. Ralph Henry was Family - By Cathie Galbraith Mom Coad presenting a sweetheart pin to Cathie at the 1982 Nationals Cathie with fellow Hall Of Fame members at the awards banquet in Springfield, VA 1990 Cathie and Ralph Henry, with their Scale boats in Camarillo, CA at the 1989 Nationals 2021 NAMBA Nationals Page 68
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