2021 NAMBA Nats Race Program

was reduced. Since the beginning, District 1 has hosted a five NAMBA Nationals. Our very first National event was in 1976, with Fred Gimbal as the Contest Director. This 8-day event was held in Baltimore, MD. After that, 1984 was our next opportunity to host a National Event, and this time it was held in Newark, NJ at Weequahic Park. The Contest Director in 1984 was Doug Twaits, Sr. Our 3rd opportunity to host a National event was in 1990 in Springfield, VA with Jimmie Stewart Jr. & Sr. as co-CDs. The 4th was in 1993 in Bristol, PA, with Chris Hoffman and Dave Rychalsky as co-CDs. The 5th NAMBA National hosted by District 1 was in 1999, at Kennedy Park in Sayreville, NJ. Dave Rychalsky was the CD. Hosting a NAMBA National event is not just an 8-day boat race. It takes quite a bit of time, energy and effort amongst a number of people to make it a success. It is not just a boat race, but it is truly an “Event”! Securing the pond, obtaining the permits, building the driver’s stand, identifying the hotels, finding the race site, parking area for trailers / large RV’s, making the course safe for all spectators / racers, selecting trophies / awards, setting up a web page, designating the proper Race CD’s, getting functioning PA equipment, having quick retrieve boats / retrieve boat operators, picking evening activities, generating an efficient race schedule, getting shirts, pins, patches and the coveted Race Program completed are big tasks. It cannot be done by one person - its done by a team of dedicated model boaters who love this hobby and want it to grow and have people enjoy the week-long event. All in all, District 1 has been a part of NAMBA’s history for 50 years, and we will continue to promote NAMBA, model boat racing and generate new friends in the process. Best of luck for every contestant in NAMBA during this 50-year milestone! For 99% of our current NAMBA members, we weren’t a part of this great organization way back in 1971. For those few that were, they have the gray hairs, grease-embedded fingers, and hundreds of miles walking in those boots. In the early days of Myrtle (Mom) & Don Coad, the country was divided up in districts, with the northeast getting the District 1 label. Gary Johnson was NAMBA’s 1st president from 1971 through 1974. We on the east coast encumbered a vast majority of states. Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia and Virginia. For the members who resided in Maine and Virginia, they had a heck of a trip to attend district races every weekend. After District 1 was formulated, Chuck McGaughy was the pioneer of the east coast as he stepped up as the first District 1 director in 1972. Chuck ran this district for a few years, then he and his family moved back to California, so Doug Twaits, Sr, was elected as our Director. Doug grew this district into NAMBA’s largest district in the early 1990’s, with well over 350 active members. Doug become the voice of District 1 for years, until he finally decided to focus more on racing and Fast Electrics in the mid 1990’s. Since then, we have had a number of District 1 Directors: Jim Kowalak, Dave Willet, Charlie Ott, Dave Rychalsky, and our current District 1 Director, Dennis Probst. In the early 1990’s, District 1 petitioned NAMBA to split into two distinct districts - 1 and 11, with District 11 encompassing the New England states, with Richard “Rags” Greiner stepping up as their Director. Both districts continue to maintain strong NAMBA memberships, with many active racers. This made it easier for racers to attend events because travelling to the ends of the district NAMBA’s 50 Years in District 1 - By Dave Rychalsky Hall of Fame members Dave Rychalsky, Doug DeWitte, and Doug Twaits, Sr. waiting for their heat to start race at NAMBA Nationals in San Diego, CA in 1994. NAMBA Patch Banner 2021 NAMBA Nationals Page 55