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As I sat down to begin this letter I pondered on what to express to all of you. Its been
said so many times to enjoy yourselves and explore the host city. So I didn’t want to say
that. Its been said to make new friends with the fellow racers. So I didn’t want to say
that. Its also been said to be thankful for all the effort from the host club/district. So I
didn’t want to say that. Its been said to thank all the sponsors and raffle companies. So I
didn’t want to say that.
Oh what to write about???
I got it!
How about a top ten list for things to do at the 2013 NAMBA Nationals.
10. Have fun and make new friends.
9. Have fun and enjoy the host city.
8. Have fun and bring me a Red Bull. I’ll need one.
7. Have fun and BUY MORE RAFFLE TICKETS (we need the money)
6. Have fun and take it in stride when you get called for that jump start.
5. Have fun and forgive the judge who called that penalty on you or did not call a
penalty on the jerk who cut you off.
4. Have fun and buy another T-shirt.
3. Have fun and lend a helping hand with judging, CD’ing, or retrieving boats.
2. Have fun and don’t complain about the food at any of the dinners events.
And the number one thing to do at the 2013 NAMBA Nationals…...
Thanks for coming to our event and we hope you have
Robert Holland
NAMBA President
Welcome to Salt Lake City, Utah Racers and Families
2013 NAMBA Nationals
Page 5